Friday, February 27, 2009


How did I get started on doing a BLOG on cancer? In mid-February, 2009, my wife’s doctor discovered an obtrusion in her abdomen during a routine exam. Previous to this she felt great and had no pain or any signals that there was a problem. The doctor suggested that this protrusion might be the spleen and warned that it could indicate lymphoma (a type of cancer in the lymphatic system. She recommended an oncologist (cancer specialist) that could explore her condition more precisely.
After several scans and a biopsy, it was diagnosed as truly lymphoma. This disease causes growth in the lymph nodes and spleen, and is transmitted to these organs through the lymphatic network. It is different from more conventional cancer because, when it metastasizes, it is limited to this lymphatic network, but it is still potentially dangerous.
Fortunately there three positive factors present in her current condition. First, doctors say that the current chemotherapy recipe commonly used in treating lymphoma has a success rate of about 95% Secondly, Marilyn did not have any symptoms when this was discovered—an encouraging indicator. And finally, Marilyn has a positive attitude mixed with a good sense of humor, very important in winning the battle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to be connected, Ted. I read quite a bit: what a burden for you both: indescribable. Good clear honest writing. I'll return. My love to Marilyn, with solidarity. // Bill Cleary, still vertical